
   The PDF file as the text for the website is the story of my Complaint concerning USDA farm subsidies for Hutterite colonies. The story covers these key steps:

Outline for Story of Hutterite’s USDA farm subsidies Complaint
1) Letter of Introduction to 3 Hutterite colonies in the Lewistown, MT, area.
2) Reply from Walter Hofer, King Colony, Lewistown, MT.
3) John Stahl, President, Hutterian Brethren Church, gives his version of the policy
    concerning joining a Hutterite colony.
4) Filing a Complaint with USDA, Washington, DC.
5) Statements received from USDA concerning resolution of Complaint.
    (2008, 2009)
6) Filing a Complaint with the House Committee on Agriculture. (2009)
7) Farm Bill’s definition of a Producer. (2007, 2012)
8) Filing a Complaint with the House Committee on Rules. (2009)
9) Filing a Complaint with the Senate Committee on Homeland Security &
    Governmental Affairs. (2010)
10) Timelines
11) Explanation of documentation for Hutterite colonies as USDA farm
      subsidy recipients.

PDF File
01, Text