As evidence you will find documentation for these 2 types of USDA farm subsidy recipients:
1) Hutterite Colonies
2) Farms
The documentation for Hutterite Colonies is referred to as Master Set 1. You will find a file as ID for Master Set 1. The file is just for identification and will identify a USDA farm subsidy recipient on a Master List.
The documentation for Farms is referred to as Master Set 2. You will find a file as ID for Master Set 2. The file is just for identification and will identify a USDA farm subsidy recipient on a Master List.
The documentation for Hutterite Colonies (Master Set 1) includes this material and these 2 sets of USDA farm subsidy data:
1) List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion
Original Evidence (Long Form)
(original evidence includes USDA farm subsidy data for timeframe
2) List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion
New Evidence 1
(new evidence 1 includes USDA farm subsidy data for timeframe 1995-2010)
3) Short Form of Evidence for Original Evidence (OE) and New Evidence 1
The documentation for the original evidence, new evidence 1, and the short form of evidence, is divided into these 2 categories:
1) Confirmed as EO
2) Investigation as EO
EO stands for exempt organization and represents a IRS tax-exempt classification. Organizations that are Confirmed as EO received USDA farm subsidies as a tax-exempt organization during the timeframe 1995-2010.
To simplify the process of examining the documentation, start with the Short Form of Evidence. The Short Form of Evidence includes the key pieces of documentation to confirm the profile of a organization found in the Dataset in the Conclusion from the List of Evidence for New Evidence 1, or, in the case of a new addition to a original Master List with USDA farm subsidy data for timeframe 1995-2010, found in the Dataset in the Conclusion from the List of Evidence for Original Evidence. The Short Form of Evidence will resolve the original evidence and the new evidence 1.
The documentation for Hutterite Colonies (Master Set 1) is set up for these states:
1) Minnesota (MN)
2) Montana (MT)
3) North Dakota (ND)
4) South Dakota (SD)
5) Washington (WA)
The documentation for Farms (Master Set 2) includes this material and this set of USDA farm subsidy data:
1) List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion, and Original Evidence (Long Form)
(original evidence includes USDA farm subsidy data for timeframe
The original evidence is referred to as long form as a form of evidence but the set of evidence is condensed compared to the long form of original evidence for Master Set 1. The set of evidence is in a short form so a short form of evidence is not included.
The documentation is divided into these 2 categories:
1) Confirmed as EO
2) Investigation as EO
EO stands for exempt organization and represents a IRS tax-exempt classification. Organizations that are Confirmed as EO received USDA farm subsidies as a tax-exempt organization during the timeframe 1995-2010.
The documentation is set up for these states:
1) Minnesota (MN)
2) Montana (MT)
The documentation for Hutterite Colonies (Master Set 1) and Farms (Master Set 2) includes these 2 types of documentation:
1) List of Evidence, including Findings and Conclusion
2) Documentation as evidence
You will find these 2 types of documentation for Hutterite Colonies (Master Set 1) set up in 2 different files for submission to a court.
You will find these 2 types of documentation for Farms (Master Set 2) set up in the same file for submission to a court. The amount of documentation for Master Set 2 is alot less than the amount for Master Set 1, so the 2 types of documentation can be set up in the same file.
For a key to help understand the documentation, and a guide to the documentation, refer to the Master Lists. The Master Lists can be found in Part 5: Evidence, Section 1: Master Lists, in the file:
01, Master Lists
Part 1: Introduction to Hutterite’s USDA farm subsidies Complaint
01, Timelines
02, Intro to Hutterites as USDA farm subsidy recipients
03, Intro to Hutterites
04, Documentation for Hutterian Brethren Church, USA, Canada
05, Hutterite correspondence
06, USDA correspondence
07, USDA Bios
08, USDA Statements as resolution of Complaint
09, News, Bush, HCA, Obama, Kenya, USDA, FSA, Farm Bill 2012
10, Complaint, House Committee on Agriculture, 2009
11, Complaint, House Committee on Rules, 2009
12, Complaint, Senate Committee on Homeland Security, 2010
13, US Postal Service info for Complaints
14, Nancy Pelosi correspondence
Part 2: Farm Bill 2007, 2012
01, Farm Bill 2007, H.R. 2419, definition of Producer
02, Farm Bill reforms 2008
03, DCP Fact Sheets 2006, 2008, 7CFR1412, Eligible Producer
04, USDA Contracts, DCP, CRP, DP, from Internet 11-13-2010
05, Farm Bill 2012, S. 3240, definition of Producer, ARC
06, Farm Bill 2012, H.R. 6083, definition of Producer, FRME
07, Farm Bill 2012, news, statements, EWG material
Part 3: Summary of Objections to Hutterite’s USDA farm subsidies
01, Summary of Objections
02, Simplified version of Complaint
03, Definition of Apostolic
04, Definition of Fraud
05, Walter Hofer’s letter 3-10-2008, 8USC1448
06, Info, nonprofit organization
07, Info, becoming a tax-exempt organization
08, IRS EO Tables, types of tax-exempt orgs
09, King Colony Ranch court case, Medicaid benefits
10, Info, Trust
Part 4: Overview of Evidence for Hutterite Colonies as USDA farm subsidy recipients
01, Overview of Hutterite Colonies, USA, Canada
02, List of Hutterite Place Names, FEEFHS, GAMEO, IC, and HD
03, Sources for original evidence
04, Example of sets of evidence for King Ranch Colony
Part 5: Evidence
Section 1: Master Lists
Section 2: ID for Master Set 1, Hutterite Colonies as USDA farm subsidy recipients
01, ID for Master Set 1, Hutterite Colonies, by state
Section 3: Evidence for Master Set 1, Hutterite Colonies as USDA farm subsidy recipients
Part 1: Minnesota (MN)
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for original evidence)
01, MN, LE, OE, Confirmed as EO
02, MN, LE, OE, Investigation as EO
Original Evidence (Long Form)
01, MN, OE, LF, Confirmed as EO
02, MN, OE, LF, Investigation as EO
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for new evidence 1)
01, MN, LE, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, MN, LE, NE1, Investigation as EO
New Evidence 1
01, MN, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, MN, NE1, Investigation as EO
Short Form of Evidence for Original Evidence (OE) and New Evidence 1 (NE1)
01, MN, SF, OE, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, MN, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO
Part 2: Montana (MT)
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for original evidence)
01, MT, LE, OE, Confirmed as EO, A-H
02, MT, LE, OE, Confirmed as EO, M-T
03, MT, LE, OE, Investigation as EO, B-H
04, MT, LE, OE, Investigation as EO, K-Z
Original Evidence (Long Form)
01, MT, OE, LF, Confirmed as EO, A-H
02, MT, OE, LF, Confirmed as EO, M-T
03, MT, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, B-H
04, MT, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, K-Z
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for new evidence 1)
01, MT, LE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, A-H
02, MT, LE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, M-T
03, MT, LE, NE1, Investigation as EO, B-G
04, MT, LE, NE1, Investigation as EO, K-Z
New Evidence 1
01, MT, NE1, Confirmed as EO, A-H
02, MT, NE1, Confirmed as EO, M-T
03, MT, NE1, Investigation as EO, B-G
04, MT, NE1, Investigation as EO, K-Z
Short Form of Evidence for Original Evidence (OE) and New Evidence 1 (NE1)
01, MT, SF, OE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, A-H
02, MT, SF, OE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, M-T
03, MT, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, B-H
04, MT, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, K-Z
Part 3: North Dakota (ND)
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for original evidence)
01, ND, LE, OE, Confirmed as EO
02, ND, LE, OE, Investigation as EO
Original Evidence (Long Form)
01, ND, OE, LF, Confirmed as EO
02, ND, OE, LF, Investigation as EO
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for new evidence 1)
01, ND, LE, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, ND, LE, NE1, Investigation as EO
New Evidence 1
01, ND, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, ND, NE1, Investigation as EO
Short Form of Evidence for Original Evidence (OE) and New Evidence 1 (NE1)
01, ND, SF, OE, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, ND, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO
Part 4: South Dakota (SD)
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for original evidence)
01, SD, LE, OE, Confirmed as EO, B-L
02, SD, LE, OE, Confirmed as EO, M-S
03, SD, LE, OE, Investigation as EO, B-N
04, SD, LE, OE, Investigation as EO, O-W
Original Evidence (Long Form)
01, SD, OE, LF, Confirmed as EO, B-L
02, SD, OE, LF, Confirmed as EO, M-S
03, SD, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, B-N
04, SD, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, O-W
Files 03 and 04 are being replaced with a new set of files. Same material. Smaller file size.
New Files
05, SD, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, B-G
(B-G ends with Golden View)
06, SD, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, G-N
(G-N starts with Grant)
07, SD, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, O-R
08, SD, OE, LF, Investigation as EO, S-W
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for new evidence 1)
01, SD, LE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, B-L
02, SD, LE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, M-S
03, SD, LE, NE1, Investigation as EO, B-N
04, SD, LE, NE1, Investigation as EO, O-W
New Evidence 1
01, SD, NE1, Confirmed as EO, B-L
02, SD, NE1, Confirmed as EO, M-S
03, SD, NE1, Investigation as EO, B-N
04, SD, NE1, Investigation as EO, O-W
Short Form of Evidence for Original Evidence (OE) and New Evidence 1 (NE1)
01, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, B-L
02, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Confirmed as EO, M-S
03, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, B-N
04, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, O-W
Files 03 and 04 are being replaced with a new set of files. Same material. Smaller file size.
New Files
05, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, B-G
(B-G ends with Golden View)
06, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, G-N
(G-N starts with Grant)
07, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, O-R
08, SD, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO, S-W
Part 5: Washington (WA)
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for original evidence)
01, WA, LE, OE, Confirmed as EO
02, WA, LE, OE, Investigation as EO
Original Evidence (Long Form)
01, WA, OE, LF, Confirmed as EO
02, WA, OE, LF, Investigation as EO
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion (for new evidence 1)
01, WA, LE, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, WA, LE, NE1, Investigation as EO
New Evidence 1
01, WA, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, WA, NE1, Investigation as EO
Short Form of Evidence for Original Evidence (OE) and New Evidence 1 (NE1)
01, WA, SF, OE, NE1, Confirmed as EO
02, WA, SF, OE, NE1, Investigation as EO
Section 4: ID for Master Set 2, Farms as USDA farm subsidy recipients
01, ID for Master Set 2, Farms, by state
Section 5: Evidence for Master Set 2, Farms as USDA farm subsidy recipients
Part 1: Minnesota (MN)
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion, and Original Evidence (Long Form)
01, MN, LE and OE, Investigation as EO
Part 2: Montana (MT)
List of Evidence, Findings, Conclusion, and Original Evidence (Long Form)
01, MT, LE and OE, Confirmed as EO
02, MT, LE and OE, Investigation as EO
Section 6: Resource Material
Part 1: Hutterite info
01, Contact Info, Hutterite Colonies, from Implu
02, Contact Info, Hutterite Elders, John Stahl, Prez, HBC
03, Hutterite history, AV, FEEFHS, GAMEO
04, Hutterite litigation
05, Hutterite reference links
06, Hutterite text, Bruderhof excom 1990
07, Hutterite text, letter from Gibb to Stahl 6-5-1992
08, Hutterite timeline, OP
09, WHMC Incorporation Act
Part 2: USDA info
01, Info, USDA, FSA, OA, OGC
02, HCA, USDA, releases 2009-2010, Farm Bill, Vilsack
03, Wikipedia info, Ag Sec, Schafer, Vilsack, CCC, FSA
01, Wikipedia info, USA Gov, Cabinet, Congress, Fed Courts
02, Wikipedia info, SCHSGA, PSI, HCA, HCR
03, Info, Contact Info, SCHSGA, HCA, HCR
Part 4: CAGW, EWG, Public Citizen
01, CAGW letter, releases, Wastewatcher, 2007-2012
02, EWG analysis, releases, Mulch Blog, AgMag, 2000-2012
03, Wikipedia info, CAGW, EWG, Public Citizen
Part 5: Cornell Law School, LII, Wex, and related material
01, Info, Cornell Law School, LII, Wex
02, Info, types of business names
03, Info, Form 990, and Glossary, GuideStar
Part 6: Terms of Use